The Nairobi Buddhist Temple will be celebrating Vesak on Sunday 15th May 2016, to commemorate the Birth, the Enlightenment and the Passing away of the Buddha. This is un­doubtedly the most sacred day for all Buddhists around the world. We have put together a nice program to celebrate Vesak so that you can make this day a day of peace, self-reflection, and Spiri­tual awareness

We would like to remind you to give yourself the gift of peace on this special day. Please come to the sacred space of our temple and have a day of peace with yourself. As you enter the temple, please remember to speak softly so that you will not disturb the peace in the environment of the temple.

It is a tradition on Vesak day for Buddhists to wear white cloths. Therefore, we recommend you wear white cloths if possible. It is also a tradition to bring your own flowers and candles for Buddha Puja and for the temple use. Our Head Monk Venerable Bhanteji Wimala will lead the program. 

If you need any other information kindly contact us on + 254 786 573 846