Speaking at the Village Center Conference Hall.

National and local elections were held in Kenya on March 4, 2013, electing the President, Senators, County governors and members of Parliament for the 290 electoral constituencies. The whole country was tense and worried, in fear of repetition of the post-election violence that followed the previous election in 2008.

Bhante spent two months in Kenya before the elections, participating in many peace meetings and community conferences and was available to discuss, share, encourage and promote a peaceful election in the country. Bhante’s work was assisted, accompanied and often sponsored by the Vice Chairman of Triple Gem Society Africa, Mr. Dawda.

Post election violence in 2008, some of the worse of its kind in Kenya, killed more than 1,300 people. Thousands of families were displaced and became homeless in the process. Fortunately there was no post-election violence in this election. They were held peacefully throughout the country. Following are pictures of some of the events.

Sikh Temple, Nairobi.
Nairobi Buddhist Temple.
Addressing the Killimani community leaders and contestants.
At a polling station in Loresho, Nairobi, where some people waited six to eight hours in line to cast their votes.
Voters waiting to cast their votes in Loresho, Nairobi.