Spring flowers and grass on a white background

I woke this morning to the sound of birds. When I opened my eyes, sunlight was already streaming through my window. The trees, which have been bare for more than four months, are now in a frenzy, producing green dots on the tips of their branches: buds that will soon turn into leaves. On these branches, the birds were busy singing late into the night. Now, some are already building nests to lay eggs. Patches of spring flowers cover the ground. I know they will stay only a few weeks; if you or I miss enjoying them during this short period we will have to wait a whole year to see them again.

Every time I go for a walk early in the morning I feel surrounded by the magic of nature, the amazing beauty of spring. The warmth of the morning sun on my face, the gentle breeze that brushes my skin, even the tiny ants crawling on the ground fill me with a deep sense of peace and contentment. The ordinary unfolding moments of nature become extraordinary when one observes them mindfully.

I hope that all of you will take the time to experience the nurturing, healing power of nature from a place of genuine peace. Make the effort to go for an early morning walk in nature. Find the time to listen to the birds, to observe the sunrise or sunset, to really look at the plants, trees, flowers, and creatures. Sit by a river or waterfall, the ocean, or, even, a small stream, and be aware of the peace they can bring you. When you slow down your mind in nature, she can help you relax and release emotional distress and pain. Nature is a natural therapist. Every time you observe her beauty, play with and in her and commune with her spirit, she will help you come closer to your own heart and feel the warmth of love.

I will continue for a few more days my retreat at Samadhi Center in the Czech Republic. I will mindfully observe the magical transformation the Earth is undergoing in this beautiful season. I send you love and blessings from a heart that is clear, calm and peaceful. May you be well and happy.

Bhante Wimala