Bhante visiting the construction site with project manager Kirimi and project supervisor Ms. Stella last January. Bhante visiting the construction site with project manager Kirimi and project supervisor Ms. Stella last January.
The construction of the child welfare center in Kenya is in underway. Bhante visited the construction site in January of this year to see the progress of the work. We are glad to inform you that Hon. Mbau, the Member of Parliament for Maragua, has taken personal interest and is helping us to manage the project. Working in Africa is challenging and having the support of a Member of Parliament is very helpful.
During the visit, Bhante discussed issues concerning power connection, water connection and a septic tank. All these issues will be resolved by our project manager Kirimi and project supervisor Ms. Stella. We have decided to dig our own well for drinking water and come up with a different plan for the septic system. We have a good team on ground and hope to complete the welfare center in the beginning of March, 2011.
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