Recepients of the houses gathered to greet Bhante when he arrived in Naiwasha to see the consturction of the houses.
Fifty-five houses have now been completed since November of 2008. These houses are now occupied by families who were driven out of their villages by political violence. Previously, these poor families were living in tents constructed with basic local materials.
We would like to gratefully acknowledge the sponsors who made this project possible:
Mr. Anura Perera of the Philnormel Foundation, Mr. Premasiri of the Buddhist Mahavihara in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as well as all the supporters of the Humanitarian fund of Samadhi Buddhist Meditation Center in Prague, Czech Republic and The Triple Gem Society humanitarian fund in Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. In addition we would like to thank Rhoda Thuita who volunteered to manage this challenging project.
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