Wheelchairs, crutches and other medical equipment being prepared to load on the truck at the Nairobi Buddhist Vihara.

David Schouela from Cambridge, MA joined Bhante Wimala on his November, 2007 visit to Kenya. David shared his experience of distributing medical equipment in Kenya with Bhante Wimala in a recent article:

“Our trip also included a visit to three medical clinics in Marangwa district and 2 clinics in the town of Kilgoris located in Trans Mara district, just north of the Tanzanian border. We donated to the Trans mara District Hospital an oxygen concentrator for use in the maternity ward and 2 American nebulisers. We also donated one wheelchair, ear thermometers, a blood drawing chair, walkers, crutches and chairs to a medical clinic in Maragua.”

We have more medical equipment in our storage facility in Kenya, especially oxygen concentrators donated by Buddhist Mahavihara of Malaysia waiting to be donated among much other needy equipment. Bhante will be visiting Kenya in January, 2008 to continue his efforts.