On Sat. Sept 8, 2007 I attended the 4th annual Stand for Peace event in Philadelphia, PA. to accept the Global Peace Award on behalf of Venerable Bhante Wimala. Started after 9/11 to focus attention on peace, this event is sponsored by the Center for Peace in partnership with the Metropolitan Christian Council of Philadelphia to honor those within the city and within the world who most exemplify peace.
Bhante was chosen to receive the Global Peace Award in recognition of his luminous, peaceful spirit and his generous and compassionate action and transformative peace work with people and projects all over the world. Bhante exemplifies what it would be like if we could all “be against nothing, but just stand for peace,” says Rev. Sheila Pierce, Founding Minister of the Center for Peace.
It was a beautiful heart-expanding day to share with those gathered in Love Park in Philadelphia the work Ven. Bhante Wimala so selflessly engages in — from orphanages for children with AIDS in Africa, to work in Sri Lanka after the Tsunami, to projects to empower women in many countries, work in people in prison, and with people suffering anywhere in the world.
With a grateful heart, on behalf of all those everywhere who are more peaceful because of you, Bhante, thank you. You truly deserved this Global Peace Award.
Rev. Dr. Carol Lawson
Center for Conscious Living
Moorestown, NJ

“In August of this year, when I learned that I was selected by The Center for Peace and the Council of Christian Churches in Philadelphia, PA in the United States to receive the Global Peace Award for 2007, I felt a deep sense of gratitude. In receiving this special honor, I feel great appreciation and thankfulness to all my friends, students and supporters of Triple Gem Society because how would I have continued to do this work without their blessings. Let us take this award as an encouragement to continue our work to eliminate unnecessary suffering from this world and to promote inner peace and world peace.” – With love and blessings Bhante Wimala
Good Wishes from Around the World
“Bhante, this is wonderful news, and richly deserved.”
“My heartiest congratulations on a well deserved recognition.”
Moni Kholi
Nairobi, Kenya
“Congratulations, it is great to know the thing like that. I am so happy to hear the information about the reward. i think you fully deserve that and i believe that will encourage you to further you contribution and develop you compassion toward sentient beings. Best regards.”
Thich Minh Thanh
Hanoi, Vietnam
“Great news on the award. You deserve it. Next it will be the Nobel Prize.”
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
“Many congratulations on receiving this award. In my opinion, it is well over-do. I’m waiting for others to follow—-the Noble Peace Prize being one.”
Tennessee, USA
“My friend, I join the many who congratulate you on receiving this award which you richly deserve. I count myself amongst the many around the world to whom you have brought lasting peace and happiness.”
Mike Beede (Dhammasiri)
Caracas, Venezuela
“Congratulations! We are so happy and rejoice of the happy news from Bhante.”
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
” I just got the news regarding the Global Peace Award you received in September this year. How well deserved and how wonderful that you are receiving this recognition. I am so glad that the mission of peace and harmony that you embody is spreading in this way. With love and respect.”
Stephanie Von Hirschberg
New York, USA
“Congratulations my friend and they could have given this to better person than you. You make a huge difference in this world and you well deserve this recognition. Love and Peace.”
Assad Zamani
California, USA
“Congratulations Bhante. It encourages to see that God is using you to bring peace to the world and to man kind. Keep it up and may God continue to grand you good health and pure mind. Thanks and Peace to all men of good will.”
Rev. Father Francis
Nairobi, Kenya
“Congratulations Bhante, it is nice to see your work does not go unnoticed. it was a privilege to share those times with you in Pakistan. Good wished and love.”
Okland, New Zealand
“Congratulations, Bhante! You richly deserve this for all the positive change you create in the world. How wonderful!”
New Jersey, USA
“Congratulations Bhante! You deserve every bit of this fine recognition…”
New York, USA
“Sincere congratulations on your award. It is justly deserved and you must be very proud.
Hope all is well with you and you of course deserve the award for all the wonderful things you do.”
London, England
” Hope all is well with you and you of course deserve the award for all the wonderful things you do. Hoping to see you soon. Best wishes.”
Enoka De Zoysa
General Manager
Scenic Ventures Pvt Ltd
Colombo, Sri Lanka
“It is a great privilage to know you. I don´t know anybody else who cares so much and who is able to really help anywhere in the word in the moment when it is most needed. I am happy that it is so well known about you around the world that it was acknowledged by the Global Peace Award. For sure you deserve it. Thank you for being what you are.”
Czech Republic
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